
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Diagnosis behind Back Pain Continue

Brief Description:
The spine is made up of muscles, bones, and nerves... The spine is held together by disks, connective tissues, tendons, and ligaments. The elements combine to allow us to stand, yet tension is applied.
The lower back makes up the larger structure of bones and joints with the joints at the hips. Hip joints connect to the pelvis, joining with the elements listed above and with the vertebral column and finally connect to the sacrum. Larger bones join at the legs, which is where we get our support and strength to hold up the vertical column.
The bones thicken at the opposite side of the vertebral column, or spinal cord and continue up to the neck. Thicker joints start at this area and continue to join with thicker bones, which start to shrink and thin at the joints.
The larger group of bones is at the lower area and joins with the spine. At the small baseline and near the top structure these bones join and cause stress to the back. The legs are capable of moving, which additional stress is applied. The stress continues to the lumbar spinal disk. This disk is affected by the stress as well. To give you an example, if you were to pick up a 2000-pound object, you would have the same amount of stress applied if you would have sit down on the couch.
At the top region of the back, we have muscles as well, which are shorter and helps us to maneuver the arms, as well as the cranium. Now, if you consider the elements spoken of in this article, you may wonder how it can cause back pain. The fact, when pulling up a tight pair of khakis, or trousers it can generate unusual tension. The tension affects the lower and upper back, thus causing pain to arise. The reason behind this is that the higher muscles cannot counterweigh for the pressure group taking place at the lower region.
Back pain can emerge from the advantage we receive from the spinal column as well, such as the control over the body. The spine has a prime focus and that is to give us such control or advantage to stand, walk, run, and sit and so on. Due to this control we have however, if we were to pick up 20 pounds, it would be the same as applying around 200 pounds on the bones, muscles, and the spine.
Now, if you think about what I just said, you would see that as people we often take the spine for granted, yet the granted we take is present in the tendons, muscles, ligaments, etc, and because the stress we apply is greater than the spine can handle, injuries occur.
Sure, we all have to stand, sit, walk, move, and perform daily activities, yet as we do this we are applying stress to the spine, more so than we realize. In short, picking up a single cup of coffee is more weight than you realize.
When one considers the spine, they must also consider weight, depth and the distance end to end. Since the spine is made up of small and large bones, as well as thin and thick bones and joints, the vertebras in all areas exert its own degree of force and set limits on the lower and upper back. . As you can see, the pressure we apply daily to the spine gradually builds and causes lower and upper back pain. We still must consider inappropriate bending however, since twice; the weight is applied when one lifts heavy objects and fails to bend properly.

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