Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Introduction To Forex Ttrading

Trading Forex To Advance Your Financial

Everyday, currencies are traded in an international foreign exchange market, otherwise known as the forex market, with the main marketplaces (otherwise known as bourses) existing in the world's financial centes New York, London, Tokyo, Frankfurt and Zurich. Historically, the only way to participate was from the trading floor of one of these bourses, but today, people can trade forex from anywhere through a secure internet connection and a PC.Today's traders operate in a global network, taking positions in the market and making investment decisions based on either relative value between two currencies, or a particular currency's actual price. Currency value fluctuations are constantly renegotiated through trading activity, and this activity, and the corresponding currency values are also indicators of the levels of currency supply.An example of market behaviour greater demand for the Euro might indicate a weakening supply. Low supply and increased demand will drive the price of the Euro up against other currencies like the dollar, until the price better reflects what traders are prepared to pay when short supply exists. Another way to look at this situation is this higher demand means it will cost more dollars to buy the Euro, which equates to a weakening of the dollar in comparison. Analysis of situations such as in this example forms the basis for a trader's investment decisions, and they will purchase or sell currency accordingly.This should be remembered, as while many see the foreign exchange market as the vehicle for converting their home currency while travelling abroad, many others choose to use the market to advance their financial position and secure their future.by Jay Moncliffhttp://www.goforexonline.info/
Learn Currency Trade Intro To Forex

The Foreign Exchange Market - better known as Forex - is a world wide market for buying and selling currencies.It handles a huge volume of transactions 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Daily exchanges are worth approximately $1.5 trillion (US dollars). In comparison, the United States Treasury Bond market averages $300 billion a day and American stock markets exchange about $100 billion a day.The Foreign Exchange Market was established in 1971 with the abolishment of fixed currency exchanges. Currencies became valued at 'floating' rates determined by supply and demand. The Forex grew steadily throughout the 1970's, but with the technological advances of the 80's Forex grew from trading levels of $70 billion a day to the current level of $1.5 trillion.The Forex is made up of about 5000 trading institutions such as international banks, central government banks (such as the US Federal Reserve), and commercial companies and brokers for all types of foreign currency exchange.There is no centralized location of Forex - major trading centers are located in New York, Tokyo, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Frankfurt, and all trading is by telephone or over the Internet. Businesses use the market to buy and sell products in other countries, but most of the activity on the Forex is from currency traders who use it to generate profits from small movements in the market.Even though there are many huge players in Forex, it is accessible to the small investor thanks to recent changes in the regulations. Previously, there was a minimum transaction size and traders were required to meet strict financial requirements. With the advent of Internet trading, regulations have been changed to allow large interbank units to be broken down into smaller lots.Each lot is worth about $100,000 and is accessible to the individual investor through 'leverage' - loans extended for trading. Typically, lots can be controlled with a leverage of 100:1 meaning that US$1,000 will allow you to control a $100,000 currency exchange.There are many advantages to trading in Forex, including:- Liquidity: Because of the size of the Foreign Exchange Market, investments are extremely liquid. International banks are continuously providing bid and ask offers and the high number of transactions each day means there is always a buyer or a seller for any currency.- Accessibility: The market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. The market opens Monday morning Australian time and closes Friday afternoon New York time. Trades can be done on the Internet from your home or office.- Open Market: Currency fluctuations are usually caused by changes in national economies. News about these changes is accessible to everyone at the same time - there can be no 'insider trading' in Forex.- No commission Fees: Brokers earn money by setting a 'spread' - the difference between what a currency can be bought at and what it can be sold at.How does the foreign currency exchange market work?Currencies are always traded in pairs - the US dollar against the Japanese yen, or the English pound against the euro. Every transaction involves selling one currency and buying another, so if an investor believes the euro will gain against the dollar, he will sell dollars and buy euros.The potential for profit exists because there is always movement between currencies. Even small changes can result in substantial profits because of the large amount of money involved in each transaction.At the same time, it can be a relatively safe market for the individual investor. There are safeguards built in to protect both the broker and the investor and a number of software tools exist to minimize loss.by Anna Rowehttp://www.1st-forex-online-trading.com/
Forex Trading Understanding Commissions

The forex market is quickly becoming one of the most popular markets for trading.Not only are the experienced traders looking to this market to maximize their trading returns, but many new, individual investors are now able to trade the Forex market - just as they do stocks and futures.More and more individuals are seeing Forex not only as a new way to diversify their portfolio, but are also finding that it is becoming the most profitable component of their investments.And that's because of the many advantages Forex offers over other markets like stocks or commodities. Here's what you will typically see advertized about Forex:- Unparallelled liquidity. It is the largest financial market in the world by far. Almost $2 trillion being traded daily!- Excellent leverage potential. Individual investors have access to leverage of 100:1 and even 200:1- No Commissions (more on this later on)- Low trading costs.And yes, the Forex market really does offer all these advantages.But the last two points above talk about costs, and that's what we'd like to focus on in this article.Like any trading, there are costs involved, and, while these may be much lower than they used to be, it is important to understand what those are.Let's start by looking at stock trading, something that most of us investors are pretty familiar with.When trading stocks, most investors will have a trading account with a broker somewhere and will have investment funds deposited in that account.The broker will then execute the trades on behalf of the account holder, and of course, in return for providing that service, the broker will want to be compensated.With stocks, typically, the broker will earn a commission for executing the trade. They will charge either a fixed dollar amount per trade, or a dollar amount per share, or (most commonly) a scaled commission based on how big your trade is.And, they will charge it on both sides of the transaction. That is to say, when you buy the stock you get charged commission, AND then when you sell that same stock you get charged another commission.With Forex trading, the brokers constantly advertise "no commission". And, of course that's true - except for a few brokers, who do charge a commission similar to stocks.But also, of course, the brokers aren't performing their trading services for free. They too make money.The way they do that is by charging the investor a "spread". Simply put, the spread is the difference between the bid price and the ask price for the currency being traded.The broker will add this spread onto the price of the trade and keep it as their fee for trading.So, while it isn't a commission per se, it behaves in practically the same way. It is just a little more hidden.The good news though is that typically this spread is only charged on one side of the transaction. In other words, you don't pay the spread when you buy AND then again when you sell. It is usually only charged on the "buy" side of the trades.So the spread really is your primary cost of trading the Forex and you should pay attention to the details of what the different brokers offer.The spreads offered can vary pretty dramatically from broker to broker. And while it may not seem like much of a difference to be trading with a 5 pip spread vs a 4 pip spread, it actually can add up very quickly when you multiply it out by how many trades you make and how much money you're trading. Think about it, 4 pips vs 5 pips is a difference of 25% on your trading costs.The other thing to recognize is that spreads can vary based on what currencies you're trading and what type of account you open.Most brokers will give you different spreads for different currencies. The most popular currency pairs like the EURUSD or GBPUSD will typically have the lowest spreads, while currencies that have less demand will likely be traded with higher spreads.Be sure to think about what currencies you are most likely to be trading and find out what your spreads will be for those currencies.Also, some brokers will offer different spreads for different types of accounts. A mini account, for example may be subject to higher spreads than a full contract account.And finally, because the spreads really are the difference between bid prices and ask prices as determined by the free market, it is important to recognize that they are not "guaranteed". Most brokers will tell you that there may be times during periods of low demand, or very active trading when the spreads widen and you will be charged that wider spread.These do tend to be rarer situations because the Forex market really is so large and demand and supply are generally quite predictable, but they do occur, especially with some of the lesser traded currencies. So it's important to be aware of that.In summary then, when trading Forex, understand that the "spread" is truly your most important consideration for trading costs.Spreads can vary significantly between brokers, account types and currencies traded. And small differences in the spread can really add up to thousands of dollars in trading costs over even just a few months.So be sure to understand what currencies you are going to be trading, how frequently, and in what type of account and use those factors to help decide which broker can offer you the best trading costs.by Rich Cochranehttp://www.forexdiscountbroker.com/
Online Forex Trading

Do you know what Forex trading is? Some people have heard of this type of trading, others have not. If you haven't, it might be something you are interested in trying. Forex trading stands for foreign exchange trading. What it consists of is the buying and selling of different currencies. This is done simultaneously, and there are people who make a lot of money with this kind of trading. This is apparent by the 1.9 million dollar turnover in this market that happens every day. Also a lot of it is done online. Online Forex trading is very popular.The most common currencies to trade are the Euro and the U.S. dollar, and the U.S. dollar and the Japanese Yen. However, nearly all of the Forex trading done involves the major currencies of the world. These include the Euro, Japanese Yen, U.S. dollar, Canadian dollar, British Pound, Australian dollar, and the Swiss franc. The Forex exchange is different from other exchanges, such as the New York Stock Exchange, in that it does not have a physical location or central exchange. The exchange day begins in Sydney, then moves to Tokyo, on to London, and finally ends in New York. Each country takes the responsibility of regulating the Forex exchange activities in their own country. So there is no overall regulatory agency. However, this does not seem to be a problem and most countries do very well at overseeing Forex exchange activities.There are a lot of things that influence the Forex rate. For instance, economic things, like interest rates and inflation, and also political things, such as political unrest in other countries and major changes in government cause up and down changes in the Forex rate. However, these things tend to be short-term, and don't affect it for long.Online Forex trading sites are easy to find by surfing the Internet. Most of them provide a wealth of information for the first time trader. You can find out about the history of Forex trading, how to co it, tips on being successful, etc. You can also start trading with as little as $250 in your account on some sites. For anyone who is interested in currency or trading, it is something you should check out.As with any type of trading, there are no guarantees that you will make money or that you won't make money. It is a smart choice to learn as much as you can about online Forex trading before investing any money and doing any trading. It is a fact that informed investors do better than those who don't know much about what they are trading. So get the fact before you dive in. You might just make a little money in a very interesting currency exchange.by Bob Hetthttp://www.forexinformation.info/
Internet Marketing Vs Forex Currency

Have you noticed that when someone's trying to sell you something - such as a system for making money - they always make it look far easier than it is?Let's look at two Internet businesses, almost as diametrically opposed as it's possible to be - Internet Marketing and Forex Currency Trading.You've probably heard the old Internet adage - build a better website and they will come. Well it ain't true!You could put up a site advertising dollars for a dime and they still wouldn't come - because they wouldn't know where to look!Let's look at what you need to have in place in order to build a successful Internet marketing business.First of all, you need a product. If you've been reading the recent Internet marketing blurb you'll know you need a niche product.Actually, the new thing is sub-niche but whatever they call it, you need a product for which there is high demand but low supply.Finding a suitable niche is the hardest part of the whole process but let's say you have a killer product, what else do you need?The List.Ask any Internet marketeer and they will say that the most important part of your business is your opt-in list.For people to join your list you usually have to give them something of value such as a free eBook or report on a subject related to your main product line.To keep them interested, you need to keep in touch with them offering them additional information, advice and tips.Website.To promote your opt-in list you need a website (although there are other ways of promoting your list, too) with features that will encourage people to sign up to your list.You also need a killer website with killer copy to describe - and sell - your killer product. This may or may not be the same as the one you use for your opt-in list.Killer copy.Maybe you're not a good copywriter. There are many eBooks on the subject that can help you or you can pay someone to write copy for you.You need a domain name, preferably one with some relation to the product but good domain names are becoming increasing difficult to find.Ads.To get people to visit your website in the first place you need to register it with the search engines.SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is an art in itself. You can mug up on the subject or pay someone to do the job for you (but be aware that not all experts are!).You might also want to place ads for your list in newsletters and ezines. The better ones will charge you although you might get a free ad in return for an article.Autoresponder.To automate your business you need an autoresponder. These clever devices automatically send emails to everyone on your opt-in list at predetermined intervals, and contain predetermined copy.For example, you could create a series of emails containing, say, five parts of a free course to be sent one a day over the first five days.Then emails would be sent once a week advertising a different product each time.Whenever anyone signs up to your list they automatically start at the beginning so everyone gets the full cycle of marketing material.We haven't even looked at affiliate sales and marketing but I'm sure you get the picture.The basic idea of selling over the Internet sounds good but there's a lot more to it than most people realise.Forex Currency TradingSomeone said that trading is the last frontier, the last place where men and women can stand up and pit themselves against the world.It sounds very Wild Westish but most of it is true! You win or lose entirely by your own efforts and if you win, it's like having your very own bank.However, even owning a bank is a business and you still have to work hard to put the money there - and to keep it!Unlike Internet marketing where all your efforts, in one form or another, are geared towards making people join your list and then selling them stuff,Currency Trading has no customers. That's worth repeating - with currency trading, you don't need customers.No customers means you don't need any of the associated accoutrements that go with Internet marketing such as: Products Web site Domain name Opt-in list Ads eBooks and reports Autoresponder Any other marketing aidsSo far so good, but what do you have to do and what do you need? Well, you need to know what currency prices are doing.You can get a list of prices at the close of each trading day free from many web sites. If you want to trade during the day - intraday trading, you can get real-time prices for a nominal fee from several data suppliers.In the foreign exchange currency market, commonly called forex, you can get this data and charting software free from many web sites.Okay, that's the easy bit. In order to trade currencies, you need to analyse the data and determine which way price is heading.In other words you need a system and this will require study and dedication.There's lots of other stuff you have to know, too - trading terminology, margin, leverage, money management, order types, trader psychology and more.But all of this is available in eBooks and courses and on the Net.You also need some money upfront to fund your trading account. With forex you can begin with as little as $300-500 although you would be advised to start with more.So while you don't have the ongoing quest for new customers, new products and inventive sales techniques, you do need some sort of education or training before you begin and you need discipline while you're trading.For more information on getting started with forex currency trading, go to: www.webkept.comMaking money takes work whether it's online or off. Make sure you know what's involved before you start and remember that the more you put into a business, the easier it gets.by Amin Sadakhttp://www.webkept.com/
What Is Forex Market

Economic Indicators

Economic indicators can be anything, from the bits and pieces of financial and economic news, to the data published by different agencies on the statistics of government or private sector. This data is regularly made public to help the common man keep track of the latest developments in the nation’s financial sector. Most benefited from these economic indicators are the market observers who are constantly keeping an eye on the overall economy and its effect on the market. This is the main reason why such indicators are consistently tracked by nearly everyone related to the financial markets in some way or another. Also, this is the rationale behind the economic indicators containing great potential for creating levels and moving currency prices along with the whole markets, as so many people are expected to respond to the same data together. Major IndicatorsIndustrial Production –It is a measure of the variation in the manufacturing of the country’s industrial units and mines in addition to a measure of their business capability and their capacity utilization, which is the number of used accessible resources amongst the various industrial units and utilities. Producer Price Index – The Producer Price Index or PPI calculates the price variations in the industrialized sector. It determines the average variations in selling prices received by home manufacturers in the industrializing, mining, farming, and electric service business or trade for their production. The PPIs mainly used for fiscal study are those for refined goods, intermediary goods, and unfinished goods. Hard Goods Orders – Durable or Hard Goods Orders calculates any new orders which have been placed with the home producers for instant and potential delivery of durable goods. Retail Sales – The retail sales report measures the entire revenue of retail houses from section on behalf of all range, class and type of industries in retail business all through the nation. Retail sales contain both hard and soft commodities sold, and services and excise taxes accompanying the trade of commodities, not including the sales taxes. The Gross Domestic Product – Gross Domestic Product or (GDP) measures the total of all the merchandise and services created either by home or overseas companies, showing the speed at which a nation’s wealth and market is rising or falling. (GDP) is regarded as the most extensive indicator of monetary productivity and development of a nation. Housing Starts – The Housing Starts report calculates the quantity of housing units which are being initiated into construction every month, where the initiation process is predefined as the start of an excavation for the groundwork of any residential structure. To make full use of these economic indicators in the Forex market and trading world, you should always be aware as to when each economic indicator is due to be out in the markets. Keep track of all the release dates through a calendar or keeping in touch with the agencies which will be releasing these statistics or snippets for the public. Also, keeping a record or a watchful eye on the release dates of these economic indicators will help you build a stronger decision whether to go forward or drop the position you were planning to go with by predicting the market movements based on gut feelings.
Analysis Stages In Forex

How To Earn In Forex

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Forex Glossary

Ask Price/ Offer Price
The ask and offer price is the price at which the market is ready to trade a specific currency. This is the price where, an investor can purchase the base currency. When seeing a quote, it is located on the right side. For example, in the quote EUR/USD 1.4547/52, the ask price is 1.4552.
Base currency
The currency listed first in a Currency Pair is known as the Base currency
A Bid is the price at which the investor is willing to purchase a currency.
Bid/Ask Spread
Simply stating, Bid/Ask spread is the variation between the bid and offer price. It can also be defined as the degree of difference in pips, amid the buying price and the selling price of a currency pair.
A person or an organization acting as an agent, putting together buyers and sellers for a commission or fee, can be defined as a Broker. They are the ones who work on behalf of their investors.
Counter Currency
The currency listed second in a Currency Pair is known as the Counter currency.
Currency symbols
EUR - Euro
AUD - Australian Dollar
CAD - Canadian Dollar
CHF - Swiss Franc
JPY - Japanese Yen
GBP - British Pound
Day Trading
Day trading refers to the buying and selling of positions within a single day’s trade.
Foreign Exchange
Also known as Forex or FX, it is the process of buying of one currency in exchange of other currency in an over-the-counter market
Leverage is the ratio of the deposited amount to the amount that can be traded. Find out
Limit order
Limit orders let the Forex investors stop further trading and leave the market at preset profit objectives. It is an order which restricts the greatest price to be paid or the lowest price to be received.
Liquidity can be defined as the capacity of a market to allow fat transaction with negligible impact on the price stability.
Margin is the minimum amount required to be deposited before an investor starts trading. This can also be known as the initial amount with which the Forex trading account can be opened.
Pip / Point
When dealing in terms of quotes, prices are expressed in terms of Pips. Pips can be defined as “percentage in points” and are mostly the fourth decimal point i.e. 1/100th of 1%. A pip can also be defined as the smallest value at which an exchange of currency can take place.
Stop Loss Order
Stop/loss commands allow the investors to set an exit point for a loss. By limiting your losses to a pre set position, Stop/loss orders help investors control their risk conditions. 'Stop-loss' can lower an investor's exposure to risk by a large proportion.
Forex News Trading: The latest marketing wizardry in the forex market

(also called “Hop-a-long Cassidy and Forex Kid live at EST 08:30”)
I want to explain to you how so-called News Trading is the latest method devised by the marketing wizards to take your money.
The more subtle marketing wizards package it very scientifically. They use impressive looking historical statistics to show how price action unfolded immediately after certain economic data releases. See the pattern, they trumpet, and make money from it.The less subtle approach explains how to beat the gun with proprietary data feeds on supposedly important data releases. In reality, most of these data releases have never had any significant impact on the forex market before, but despite this, the marketing wizards invite you to join them in the shoot-out by paying a monthly subscription in the belief that this will help you beat the market makers.Before I go any further in showing you how to really lose your money, your mind and your interest in this most lucrative market, let me just tell you why I think you can pay attention to what I have to say on the topic. Apart from the fact that I describe in my book, Bird Watching in Lion Country – Retail Forex Trading Explained (BWILC), the absolute necessity of real-time analysis and the folly of basing a trading strategy for the long-term on very short-term technical analysis indicators - or other illusionary patterns - I also explain a term which I coined: “relational analysis”. This simply means that, if you are trading forex, you have to relate three things all the time: price, time and events.News trading as a concept has mainly to do with “events” and specifically with those anticipated events that cause prices to move more than usual, but only briefly - brief even in terms of short-term trading. News trading as offered by the marketing wizards takes this concept and then distorts it to rob you of your money.Non-farm payrolls: March 1998My mentor is an institutional bond trader who has a simple view on technical analysis: “if the prices are high, it may be time to sell and if the prices are low it may be a time to buy”. (He amusingly referred to traders’ screens filled with every conceivable squiggle, line and indicator as Playboys – dirty pictures.)The point he was making is that trading decisions were not made based on technical analysis other than for the basic positioning it could give you as regards where the price is now, relative to where it has been recently. If you are closely monitoring the market you will have a feel for this anyway, but charts are helpful for a quick snapshot picture.Noting and being acutely aware of upcoming economic data releases was one of the main elements of his analysis and approach to understanding the market and price action. This is what he based his trading decisions on. At the time I started trading in 1998 I was only vaguely aware of things like CPI, PPI, trade balance, money supply, and unemployment – all the things that give economists and analysts that warm and fuzzy feeling – but I quickly acquired an interest, figured out what each of them meant and started using the Sunday papers’ business section to monitor releases and follow the comments.At this stage I was trading bonds on margin here in South Africa.I had no live real-time price feed, nor a charting service. After a few months I got a pager-based informational price feed which was about as real-time as you could get. In addition to price changes it also informed me of economic data releases. If you saw a price change occour that made you to want to trade, you used the phone to call the broker - who wasn’t in the primary business of fielding these sorts of calls - and so, if you were lucky you got through to someone who was willing to help, and that help usually took the form of discussing how stupid your anticipated trade was.My dumbest trading idea everNow, you have to understand, there is a psychological element to all of this. Big price moves are exciting – and they lure traders. If you could figure out how the prices would react to the data releases you might just have it made, I thought. But my mentor explained to me why this was about my dumbest idea. Of course I knew everything, and disagreed. “Look”, I said “Here are all the examples, I have this cracked.” But I didn’t. And he explained to me why. Let me first give you some background.One of the things that I realized when looking into the phenomenon of News Trading (2006 retail FX version) was that it was brand new in the forex market (you’ll see how new below.) I have been watching economic data and its effect on short-term forex pricing since I started in forex in 2000/1. I did this because this is the genetic code of the forex market. Very early on I bought a book by Brian Kettell, “What drives the Currency Markets”? This book contains a dedicated chapter on the phenomenon of expected economic data releases and the academic research on their impact on the US dollar, in the very short term and also in the longer run. With the right perspective of the market all data releases make sense, as do price action around these data releases. (I am not talking about the on-the-release spikes.)When I decided to write this newsletter, something prompted me to go to my 1999 diary in which I did some initial, and to me, important research on price behaviour and relating different markets’ influences on the market I was involved in (the South African government bond market). And then I almost fell on my back. What did I see?On Friday 5 March 1999 at 15:30 local time I wrote:“US Employment as expected. 14.16% à 14.11% !!!!”I was referring to the non-farm payrolls report. My note indicated that it had come out as expected and my exclamation marks indicated that it had triggered a relatively big price move on the South African bond market.Consciously or unconsciously, relating price, event and time has been a part of my trading from the very beginning and a constant feature of my analysis. It has become the genetic code of my 4 X 1 strategy and relational analysis. I watched the effect of the non-farm payrolls for probably 5 to 6 years before many so-called forex gurus caught on. In fact, many of them mechanically recited the mantra “don’t trade on a Friday, play golf” until quite recently.If repetition is the mother of all learning, my news watching experience may have been behind what I said to my clients in my Daily Briefing (GMT 06:00) on non-farm payrolls (GMT 12:30) October 6, 2006:You can also rest assured that the new bread of news traders will have an increasing tussle with their clearinghouses - a fight the news traders will lose and due to the historical sentiment that the jobs report is the big one, the day that April / May 2003/4 - can't exactly remember which one - will be repeated and the blood will be flowing is nearing. Someone is going to get sick of it and run the market and shake out every trade straddle and news trader trick in a million mile radius ...The following is a visual representation of what happened with that release:Fig 1: Shoot-out on FX Street
How to Save Yourself from Forex Scam

Forex trading is one of the best home based online business opportunity you can find today. The Big Sharks know that and use the demand for information about Forex market to get every possible dollar in their hands.Who are they? The answer is always easy - Follow the Money. There is one player on currency market (and in every other market) who never loses his share in every single trade. Brokerage service on Forex trading is claimed to be commission free, right? But you always pay your minimum 3 to 10 pips fee on each trade. Where those 3 to 10 pips go? Make your best guess!There is almost no chance for a person who has no idea for the forces driving the Info market to save himself from being robbed and abused by those well advertised money machines. You can see their banners on your e-mail provider. You can watch their infomercials on every TV channel.Be aware about the presence of those Big Sharks and be sure that the information they will try to sell to you is always available for free online. Most of the time the quality and the real value of that free information is much better than the one you will be asked to pay for.Here is the story of a good friend of mine. He was very excited about Forex when he first time heard about it. That happened to be on one of those popular free seminars, organized by one of the Big Sharks on that field. So he got the bite without paying attention for the hook in it. He went to the next level - two days training for $1,995, only.He came back more excited. He opened Forex trading account on that seminar, using a special form provided by the Big Shark Company. They honestly declared that by doing that the broker agrees to pay them one pip from each trade made by the customer recruited by them.My friend started real trading, constantly increasing the amount of his investment until he put all of his savings into that Forex trading account. Everything was fine until one beautiful day of October. On that day he got the news: his broker filed under chapter 11.He was broke. I asked him how successful was his trading? His answer was that he actually lost 30% of his investment, from trading, only. He was able to realize know that the training was completely inefficient and not even close enough to start trading with real money.Something big was missing here. He was missing the big picture in the entire game. His trading experience was very frustrating. After each trade he felt like just hit the wall with a car flying with 100 miles per hour.A few days ago my friend called me on the phone. He was very enthusiastic about a new Forex training package, just delivered to him. I decided to check it by myself, too.The package is very detailed. All the missing information about the big picture is there. More than 20 hours of free videos are revealing all you need to know about that business. Zooming towards Forex trading is very smooth and on the level every beginner and advanced trader will tremendously benefit of.The one unbeatable and shocking advantage of this package is that it delivers information, priced from between $3,000 and $10,000, for free.Finally we got something valuable about Forex trading, very professionally developed, for free.Probably, that will put the Big Sharks business on hold for awhile, for the good sake to all of us.So, be careful and keep an eye on the Internet unlimited free resources if you want to self yourself from the Forex scam.Happy Forex trading!by Teo Gee